Wednesday, September 30, 2009
11:25 AM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
hi peeps!!
have been acting a boomer in L4D, vomiting around plus i m a special boomer, will go shit de. Vomit like nobody business, every half an hour...omg!!! damn terrible... but now i have recovered. Sorry for those who called or smsed mi, i m too weak to hold the phone that time..
Looking forward to tuesdae, another dae where i can have fun again!!!..hahahahha
siginin 0ff....
7:22 PM
Thursday, September 3, 2009
hi people (sleepy mood)...
went to chalet on the 2nd of sept, smrt sent mi to pasir ris and it a long ride man..
was suppose to meet harmid but he reached le, then jon sae he haven bought his stuff, jiu meet him inside white sand de mac. I was enjoying my ice cream when i saw a silly scratchin his head lookin for mi..=.=ll
bought our stuff and hop on to 543 or 534 to coasta sand, we went to the wrong chalet wasted the stamp...lolsss...reached dere saw kang de chalet juz 2 unit beside mi then w8 for charcoal.....but in the end i lend from kang first and aj came, had fun bbq-in and eatin.
then 0ng plaed wif flour, didn want to get dirty, but in the end??? my face like gigaloo like that...HAHAHA!!!
plae plae plae le jiu tak photo, had our cake and slack around jiu go pompom. OHman!!! the damn door is so safe man..a door that is lock can still be open on the other side....GREATEST INVENTION!!
bath le jiu watch tv and some went to slp while our class de 2 drunkards went drinkin, well this time was not as bad as the other time...hahaha....then jiu walked to the beach slack, sitted on the cliff chatted n crap....
then we senting bao long to the airport so have to go ard 7 or 8 so off we go...i was slping throughtout the whole journey even when i was standiing on the bus....
so after a touching scene at the airport, went back to the chalet, was discussing wheather to extend for another dae in the end is a cabbed home but dunno y want take cab de shi hou no taxi de like all die lyk that the end ken have to book a cab and i wonder how much is the fare from pasir ris to woodland to bukit butok and last destination is bukit timah i think....haha
went home bath and slept......
8:48 PM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Yoyo wass up guys out there!?
have not been updating my blog...was busyin rottiin LOLSS!!!...
for the past few daes, been working on sat n sun?? and sun after work went to ge tai where i get to eat food and drink beers!!! cool uh... but i whole body was like cooked when i juz drank 2 cups but i was not drunk....i have not drunk bef0re think the first time that i would be drank shall be on my class chalet which is TMR!!!!...haha...
So ytdae is teacher daes, went back to msl, visited my dearest teacher and chatted wif ms baey...well, she sounded sad when her current class did not celebrate with her just like wad we did last year. Thinkin of last year, time seems to flies past many many things have happened which somes lighten up my life^^
after going back to msl, went to birdie hse where its rain half waes =.=lll, went up to his hse, alson n his mum start tokin about letting the 2 dogs breed and sell it to earn money, hope i can have one too..hahha...i also have to w8 for my saf thingy to be done before having all these....yay..
after that, bird have to go work and i wnet home eat and went to plae my favourite baskerball wif the m5 hunks and m1 shuai ge...well it DAMN FUN CAN!! we had our laughter all along and the m1 teams lose to the m5 teams 1-2...awww...but nvm, wad we enjoy the most is process and i have learnt new thing from my master zu..haha...
after that, slack at basketball court, yong sen bought beers and i drink a can. thx yong sen!!! and the hunks have decided to have a outing together on next tuesdae, will be goin to sentosa^^ babes hope it wun rain they discuss wad to bring and all the suggestion i make was like rubbish coz i was crappin..HAHAHA..
okiiie that all!!!
7:27 PM